Knee Pain Hakuba
We have been operating as primary care practitioners in ski resorts for 17 years, so have become accomplished at assessing and managing knee injuries.
We have been working as educators for physiotherapy students with a special interest in knee injuries from the University of Melbourne, and The University of Australia for over 10 years. Some of our staff have completed PhDs in knee injuries and become research leaders in knee injuries. Our acute knee management protocols are not only based on our extensive experience but also on the latest research.
If you have injured your knee while on holiday in Japan, don’t panic! We can help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Many people who injure their knee on a holiday are unsure if they need to see a physio, go to a hospital, or a medical clinic or wait until they get home to see a knee surgeon. We know from our results over 17 years that people who see a physio soon after their injury have better outcomes. We work immediately after injury so that our patients
- Minimise their strength loss
- Quickly improve their mobility and function
- Are more likely to return to ski
- Are less likely to sustain a secondary injury walking on icy roads
- Have a higher function to navigate the journey home
- Are less likely to undergo surgery – all research is showing a shared decision-making process is the most effective when deciding whether to operate or not. Getting the opinion of a knee-specialist physiotherapist early will give a balanced and unbiased view as to the best management.

Some of the most common knee injuries we treat are:
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injuries
This is the most common knee injury and it usually happens when catching an edge or a during a fall.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
The ACL injury is the most researched and discussed sports injury in the world. We are experts in this injury and its management of it is rapidly changing. We can help to prevent people from being led down the incorrect path and bring an unbiased and balanced range of management options.
Patellofemoral joint pain
Also known as ‘runner’s knee’ this injury often affects skiers and snowboarders and presents as disperse knee pain, that can build through the day. We can assist with immediate relief and also exclusively import the most effective PFJ brace for skiing on the market, as we could not find any suitable product in Japan.
Meniscus Tears
The meniscus is a shock-absorbing cup that sits on the top of the tibia and is commonly injured by twisting during a fall or landing. These injuries respond very well to correct bracing, as they stabilize the knee and reduce the micromovements than can cause reaggravation and pain.
Knee Cartilage and OA
Knee cartilage damage and OA is a chronic long-term condition that requires ongoing management. Stabilisation of the joint, and pain and swelling management can assist in helping people to continue skiing and snowboarding for longer.
For more information on knee injury management, please listen to our podcast, The Knee Gurus – it’s available on all major podcast platforms or find it at