Michael is a qualified Sports Massage therapist who graduated from Tyne Metropolitan College in the North East of England. Since qualifying he has been gaining experience working closely with physiotherapists for rugby teams, working various sporting events, and seeing regular clients in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Michael’s interest in Sports Massage and Physiotherapy rehabilitation began after sustaining a bad knee injury which led him down the path of finding out the how amazing the body is and the magic massage therapy can be.
This is Michael’s 6th winter season – first in Hakuba – he is now able to intertwine his two passions of snowboarding and massage therapy.

Get to know Michael



Qualified From:

Tyne Metropolitan College, UK
VTCT Level 3 in Sports Massage Therapy
Past Employment:
North Shields Rugby Club – Sports Massage Therapist
Medicals RFC – Sports Massage Therapist

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

Having been through knee, back and wrist rehabilitation myself I can understand the frustration injuries can bring. I feel it’s in my nature to connect and empathize with anyone going through with similar injuries or even completely different ones. Having experienced lots of massaging when going through my own injuries – how amazing massage is and how much it helped me – I would like to give back to others.

Favourite Conditions to Treat:

Legs after a full day on the mountain, and seeing the relief in people after a good upper back and neck treatment.

What are you happiest doing when you’re not working?

Always happy when snowboarding, surfing, hiking, grooving, travelling in my camper van and when Newcastle United are winning!

What would be your personal motto?

“I’m out there, Jerry. And I’m loving every minute of it!” -Kramer

Who is someone you admire and why?

Combined duo of mum and dad, for supporting every decision I make.

Your most-outstanding achievement:

Travelling to amazing places around the world. Experiencing different cultures whilst working and snowboarding, and having the best time doing it.